Livstest :P
Ett kul test. Sätt din iPod eller mp3 eller vad du nu har på shuffle och se vad svaren (dvs låttiteln) blir!
Will it be ok?
How are you feeling today?
How does your friends see you?
Will you get married?
What is your best friends theme song?
What is the story of your life?
What was high school like?
How can you get ahead in life?
What is the best thing about your friends?
What is tonight going to be like?
What song describes you?
To describe your grandparents?
How is your life going?
What song will they play at your funeral?
How does the world see you?
Will you have a happy life?
What do your friends really think of you?
Do people secretly lust after you?
How can I make myself happy?
What should you do with your life?
Will you ever have children?